“Be the change you want to see in the world”

****FYI I am Writing this blog posting for a social media content class I am taking. I am working towards a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management with an emphasis on Marketing. This is not a real company so bear with me.****

I am going to take a break from my usual content about mental health and motherhood and talk about an initiative that has become important to me.

Do you ever stop to think about how lucky you are to have clean water to drink? Do you ever consider what will happen if there was no easy access to drinkable water? You may be thinking, “that won’t happen to me, they are talking about other areas of the world”. Well the fact is that no matter where you live on the earth if we don’t start protecting the Earth no one will have easy access to drinkable water.

We were just in Mexico with our 3 month old baby and because of some health issues I am not nursing and need to provide her with bottles. As we arrived I knew I would need to find clean bottled water to make her formula and it had been a stressful time preparing for our trip as I knew this would not always be easy to find clean water. Yes I found a store and yes I found bottled water for her to drink but it made me think about the importance of access to clean water and why do some areas not have this and what would happen if the water where I live were to be compromised in some way and what I can do to prevent it.

Our clean water depends largely on the health of our watersheds.

So, What is a Watershed?

A watershed is an area of land that drains rain water or snow into one location such as a stream, lake or wetland. These bodies of water supply our drinking water, water for agriculture and manufacturing and provide habitat for numerous plants and animals. Unfortunately watersheds are damaged through manmade and natural pollution.

Why do we protect our watersheds?

Our earth is 70% water but only about half of that is usable. Watersheds are not just responsible for drinkable water but the watersheds provide clean water that is used for manufactured goods, fibre, food and tourism.

What can we do to protect the watershed?

  • Conserve water by not leaving the tap running for any reason, taking shorter showers, fix leaky faucets.
  • Don’t pour chemicals down the drain
  • Do not use pesticides and fertilizers in your yard.
  • Recycle yard waste and a mulch mower.
  • Use wood, brick or gravel for decks and walkways which allows rain to soak in and not run off.
  • Do not pour chemicals down storm drains
  • Pick up after your pet and dispose of it properly in the toilet or trash can.
  • Drive less, carpool, walk or bike or take public transit.

Aqua International is a non-profit, international charity that believes every person deserves clean drinking water. They are dedicated to removing toxins and other harmful pollutants, keeping our water safe for children.

Writing a blog has helped me at different points in my life. I am active on social media and share some thoughts and feelings but mostly I share a snapshot of what my family is up to, But writing a blog has allowed me to share my thoughts and feelings in a way I couldn’t do in person and was too deep to explain on a short post on social media.

Writing a blog allows the user to share their ideas with more detail and clarity. Writing a long social media post is not effective as most people are looking for a quick summary, but when they go to a blog they expect to read something with more detail and that is more like an article with more depth and information. It is more important than ever to write in a blog with so many other sources of information going away. Newspapers and other print media is not as accessible so having another way to share information in a more formal personal way is much needed.